The idea of a V5-only format has been floated by BCP for some time. Ideally, this is a way to level the playing field for newer players. Some folks have, of course, lost their collective minds about the idea. More ways to play VTES and easier formats to bring in new players sounds exactly like what the doctor ordered to me. Steve has been running several online tournaments this year, a subset of which were in the V5-only format. I wasn't able to make his earlier V5-only events, but was able to make this last one. Here are my thoughts about it. Is V5-only worthwhile? Let's find out. What I Played I had a few ideas that I wanted to experiment with: Queen Anne + obf/pre Princes, using Banishment (she's one of the oldest vampires available); Malk voters; Banu voters; and Nos Barons. I'm glad that I didn't pick either of the first two as both of those showed up in the event. I've previously won with a Banu deck focusing
Advice for playing Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.