In our previous post, Understanding Basic Crypt Construction , is a simple intro to crypt constructions. This post will go deeper and get a little mathy as we talk about more complex crypt builds. Starting Somewhere Simple Of course, we can take the complete opposite of approach from the "Highlinder" crypt design and build a single vampire crypt. Quite simply, if every copy of every card in your crypt is the same, then you will always succeed in drawing it. Such decks typically feature the Soul Gem of Etrius and involve burning your own vampire to get another fresh copy of the same vampire. Most of these fall into the "turbo" design that attempt take one really long turn that ousts everyone. Arika, Nergal or some other powerful vampire usually stars in this deck design. These decks are also quite fragile. There is no backup plan. Of course, most decks want to get more than one vampire into play. The goal of crypt construction is about reducing the randomnes
Advice for playing Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.