This series will review the new cards in the upcoming Fall of London set. Today, we'll go over the new Brujah. Adelino da Silva If this guy were an Anarch... Disciplines A mid-cap with no superior disciplines, having all in-clans and t . His ability to wow you is severely limited by his lack of superiors. Quickness becoming free in the latest release, does give him some mainstream combat abilities and, of course, he can always fire off a bleed for 3 or more. Still, he's a little expensive for a grocery-getter. His t could help in some designs that want equipment, giving you access to Magic of the Smith . His discipline set would be much improved by becoming Anarch with access to Line Brawl and Dust Up . His t offers real benefit there, allowing you to put CrimethInc. into play. Specials His rescue special is rather interesting. He can rescue older vampires for free. Useful if your combat vampire takes a misstep or if you
Advice for playing Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.