Black Chantry is releasing a new set of demo decks, New Blood. Like First Blood, there are five decks with the same clans as the Fifth Edition boxed set: Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue. Let's take a look and see how the Toreador deck measures up for new and established players alike. New Blood: Toreador Black Chantry describes it as a deck that "tries to take political control over the game." This sounds like the V5 Toreador build. Like most Toreador builds this deck is susceptible to trouble if the surrounding decks have any intercept whatsoever. Toreador Grand Ball attempts to work around this problem, but that is either a temporary solution or a resource that has to be defended. As a Demo of the Game As the most straightforward political deck, this shows off both the strengths and weaknesses of votes. There's a smattering of defensive options, in bleed reduction, a little bounce, and a little int...
Advice for playing Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.